They just sent out the press releases! I won the 2011 Charlotte Zolotow award! It’s for the best picture book text for the whole year! And my book Big Red Lollipop won! Between this and the New York Times pick, wow! And wait till you see the runners up! They include the likes of Mo […]
I’ve had some FANTASTIC news that I can’t tell yet! Oooh, it’s excruciating! All day yesterday I’ve been pondering it, hardly able to believe it! And just the night before I’d been thinking that I really was crazy to think my work would ever really get recognized. Well, in a few days I’ll be able to […]
Went to a school in St. Catherines, both today and yesterday. Two completely different schools who’d heard separately about me and decided to book me on consecutive days, go figure! So many times I end up going into a school where the kids are completely unfamiliar with my work. It’s a shame! You’d think that […]
When I was a kid there was a skipping game we played. It had a rhyme that went: Vote, vote vote for little ….(insert name) ie. Suzie Who’s that knocking at the door? Well if it’s ….(insert name) ie. Mary Let her in and we’ll sock her in the chin And we won’t vote for […]
Had an interesting conversation with a friend. One of the few that I imposed the sequel on for critique. Between the feedback that she gave and those angry reactions I talked about earlier, I have more than enough fodder to go back to the sequel and spiff it up. Really make it SPARKLE. That’s the word […]
Started my first day of an eight week screewriting course. It was funny that the only place I could find a screenwriting course in Toronto, being offered right now, was at my old alma mater, U of T. I went down by subway, hadn’t been downtown for a while and then walked onto the U […]
So I gave the sequel to one of my daughters to read and like I said before, I was a bit nervous. I told her she should feel free to tear it apart, and then she did. And that was fine, even expected, but what I didn’t expect was how angry she was. She had […]
I came home from only two presentations, quite exhausted today. Mind you, one of the presentations was really two melded together, and I had traipsed up and down three flights of stairs three times carrying about thirty pounds of equipment and books, but I still couldn’t understand why I was so wiped. Maybe I muttered […]
It seems to me that in writing this sequel for Wanting Mor, I’ve either done something extremely clever, or extremely dumb. I’m not sure which yet. I was leaning towards the latter (dumb) but after reading a few reviews of Wanting Mor on, I’m wondering if what I did wasn’t brilliant. Despite the fact […]
Happy New Year everyone! I can’t believe 2010 is gone! What a year it was!!! Last night while hubby was unwrapping the new sofas for our living room, he told me to put the second part of Kill Bill on. I said, “You really want to watch it?!” He said, “Yeah, sure, why not. It’ll […]