I was flipping channels this afternoon and came across a show about the top ten Chameleons in acting. It was on biography channel. At first I was barely watching, but as I got into the show it was mentioning different actors who’ve done very diverse roles quite convincingly. Kate Blanchett, Mery Streep and Heather Ledger […]
and I’m not sure why. Today was a light day! One presentation in a library only half an hour’s drive from home. And yet I feel completely exhausted. I stopped by the gym on the way home thinking that would pep me up. Nope. Made supper, ate supper and went on the treadmill. Didn’t even […]
They didn’t get what I was trying to do, or maybe they did and they just didn’t want it. I read the email at the end of a gruelling day! I’d had two presentations in the morning. One a set of kindergarteners! I always find them the most exhausting group to present to! And then […]
I just finished watching CNN’s documentary special with Soledad O’Brien Unwelcome: The Muslims Next Door. And the kinds of things these people were saying about Islam and Muslims, oh my gosh! In it there was a court case, probably in Tennessee but I’m not sure, where the people were arguing about whether Islam was even a […]
I had this week off. No school presentations, got a chance to catch up on my exercising and health routines and I had hoped, in all of that time that I had, I’d get an idea for another picture book. Nope. Zip. Which just goes to show how hard the darn things actually are to […]
Sometimes it amazes me what a body can put up with. Fifteen presentations in five days at ten different schools across an expanse of area that probably covered about a hundred and fifty kilometres. And on top of it all my GPS was moody. Sometimes when I needed it the most, it decided to stop […]
One thing I was looking forward to was the drive up to Sudbury! I think long car rides are akin to taking babies for walks in strollers, only on an adult level. It’s always nice to see new scenery, and I haven’t seen Northern Ontario for quite some time. Just past Barrie you start seeing […]
When I first started publishing I believed that getting the novel out there was the most important thing. Then I thought I could create a sort of grass roots movement to buoy my efforts. Haven’t we heard of people who got successful doing this kind of thing? Christopher Paolini self-published his book Eragon didn’t he? […]
Just got back from Calgary last night/early morning. Actually the plane landed at 12:30 am. Didn’t get home till past one. I had to do two presentations in two libraries in Calgary. It’s always fun to meet librarians, but this time was particularly a pleasure because a teacher at a private school in Calgary, who’d […]
I’m not much of a fan of boxing movies. I watched Rocky. Winced when they cut his eyelids so he could see! And cheered when he won. That’s basically what most boxing movies seem to be about. A guy who beats the odds, pardon the pun. And yet Cinderella Man with Russell Crowe and Renee […]