Have a vague idea of where it’s going but for now, I’m just enjoying listening to this girl spout off about herself. I should be working on a picture book, and I feel kind of guilty not doing so, but hey, this story was calling. It might have something to do with the fact that […]
12 Oct
Posted by: Rukhsana Khan in: cultures, Islam, political correctness, racism, self-image
I keep forgetting. Honestly, I’ll go most of the day completely unaware that I wear hijab, have brown skin, and otherwise look any different from anyone else and then suddenly something will bring me up short. I’ll see myself reflected in a shop window or someone will say something like acknowledging how ‘tolerant’ they are […]
I seem to have really ticked off a couple of people when I called David Cook a one-hit wonder. Guess it goes back to what your definition of a ‘hit’ is. I’d argue that a hit is a song or performance that is so POPULAR that you can make reference to it in casual conversation […]
I’ve been thinking of all these talent shows on the air these days. Of course it all started with American Idol. Then there was The Voice. Then America’s Got Talent, and now there’s X Factor. It’s a really good gig, if you think about it. But not for the participants! One of the things I […]
Last night I watched some special hosted by Russell Peters, that Indian comedian with the wasp name. He’s quite funny! And I saw a commercial for his hockey movie called Breakaway that actually makes me want to go see it! The special he was hosting was on comedy channel and for some reason last night […]
I have to try to update my photo gallery more often! Problem is I do it so infrequently that each time I put together the web album, I have to relearn the process of posting it! Argh! In some ways it would be so much easier to just hand all the website maintenance over to […]
24 Sep
Posted by: Rukhsana Khan in: movies, Uncategorized, writing
or…The ins and outs of marketing as I understand it. I think a lot of authors, when they’re just starting out, dream of making it big, being discovered through a sort of grass roots movement kind of thing. I know I did. There are people who make it fairly big that way, but the odds […]
Eastern Promises is a movie directed by David Cronenberg that focuses on the Russian mob. It’s about a girl who walks into a pharmacy with track marks all up her arms, then collapses in a pool of blood on the floor. The girl ends up dying in childbirth, but a neonatal hospital nurse Anna (her […]
Ever since I gave up my addiction to spider solitaire (shortly after I got back from L.A.) I’ve had to fill the void with something else, and what I’ve been filling it with is knowledge. I’ve been super curious about all kinds of stuff, reading LOTS of books mostly fiction and reading even more non-fiction […]
15 Sep
Posted by: Rukhsana Khan in: cultures, presentations, racism, self-image, Uncategorized
It’s ironic that I would feel like I’ve kind of ‘made it’ when I received my first hate email a little while back. My first thought was, “I must have done something right!” And my second thought was, “What if this person is right about me?” I have seen too many people delude themselves. These are […]