is that you start getting emails from people asking for help in getting published. Every week now I’m starting to receive requests from people who’ve written a lovely book their best friend read and enjoyed and they want me to tell them which publishers to send it to and how to get it published. A […]
As soon as I finished my treatise yesterday I felt like I hadn’t even addressed family confrontational issues and thought that should be the next post. I usually take a break for a few days between posts to give myself and my readers a rest, but hey, I’ll just put this up here while it’s […]
It’s funny how you can look back at your thirteen year old self and see all the mistakes you made. The old: ‘if I knew then what I know now…’ kind of thing. And yet when a kid once asked me what would I change about my upbringing, I looked at him blankly, thought to […]
26 Jan
Posted by: Rukhsana Khan in: Islam, presentations, racism, self-image, writing
It’s funny, ever since I got back from Hajj, my prayers have changed. Before, I would often go into autopilot when I’d be praying. It’s hard not to. We memorize the whole prayer, it’s formal and prescribed as such, there’s only a few spots for spontaneity. I used to wonder why. But over the years […]
or is it the other way around? Two steps forward and one step back? All I know is that it’s incredibly frustrating. I know I gave myself permission to write a lousy first draft, and that I did, but still, I was hoping there wouldn’t be quite so much work to do on the manuscript! […]
For those of you who don’t know, Robert Falcon Scott was the British antarctic explorer who botched his bid to be the first to reach the South Pole. Roald Amundsen, a Norwegian explorer, beat him to it by 33 days. Every once in a while, when I’m flicking channels, I come across some documentary that […]
09 Jan
Posted by: Rukhsana Khan in: self-image, writing
I have a LOT more work to do! And yet I can’t help it. This is actually a very good follow up to my post on Perseverance. Maybe there’s something to be said about January funk, because I was definitely feeling funky last week when I wrote it. (And talking to some friends they were […]
One foot in front of the other, keep on going, no matter what happens, keep on going. We’ve all heard of the value of perseverance. Goodness knows I’ve already blogged about the subject enough! But somehow I keep remembering the story of this guy whose name was Richard Kennedy. He is a storyteller and he wrote […]
When we were first married, every end of December my hubby would ask me to write a list of short and long term goals. Short term was for the next year, long term was for the next five years. I never did get good at writing them down but that doesn’t mean I didn’t set […]
22 Dec
Posted by: Rukhsana Khan in: cultures, political correctness, racism
I confess, I’m not that surprised about the current broohaha in some circles over the loss of ‘Merry Christmas’ greetings. I suspect the majority is starting to feel under siege and they’re tired of political correctness. When I think of Christmas what is seared into my memory is the first grade teacher who insisted I write […]