The problem with being right on the equator, surrounded by water, is that the humidity is just gruelling. I went to a school yesterday and the librarian informed me of how the body adapts. She said, “You just wait, in six months of this heat your body would have made some physiological changes, and your […]
Caught a bus this morning to Singapore, and am writing this comfortably ensconced in my hotel room at the Peninsula Excelsior hotel. Where did the time go? Feels like yesterday I just got to KL, and this morning I had to say goodbye to it. Goodbye to the pungent aromas of the street vendors steaming who knows […]
When I returned from London at the end of November, I had dreams, nightmares really of me sitting on the London tube, worried that I’d miss my stop! And that was in a situation where I could speak and understand the language! I had absolutely no intention of taking the public transit here in Kuala […]
My third day in Kuala Lumpur and where do I begin? Went to visit a publisher this morning. Kuala Lumpur has quite the train system. Apparently most people rely on the trains to get across the city. Problem is the signs are in Malay, and I don’t read Malay. I’m informed that there are signs […]
Left home on Thursday night at around 10:30 pm, arrived in KL at my hotel room about 2:30 pm on Saturday. It’s a twelve hour time difference. Basically you can’t go any further around the globe before you start coming back. The fifteen hour flight from Toronto to Hong Kong is difficult. I was dreading […]
I was invited to a publisher party tonight. I always find them so daunting. Meeting people I admire so much…tends to make you feel kind of inadequate. But I went, because I’ve always found that I never regret it afterwards–even though I had a ton of preparations to do for tomorrow night’s trip to Malaysia […]
13 May
Posted by: Rukhsana Khan in: writing
I guess by now everyone’s heard the news of the death of Maurice Sendak. From everything I’d heard of him, I suspected he was a curmudgeonly sort, but it was only absolutely confirmed when I saw the interview between him and Stephen Colbert. It’s actually very funny. He swears like a sailor and says stuff […]
08 May
Posted by: Rukhsana Khan in: Islam, Uncategorized, writing
There are two Muslim women in the media/arts field that I really admire! Whenever I think of them, and it’s often, I do so with a smile on my face. The first has the same last name as myself, but as far as I know she’s no relation. Her name is Sheema Khan. She is […]
04 May
Posted by: Rukhsana Khan in: cultures, political correctness, racism
So being a south Asian it’s not surprising that I get a lot of presentations during this month. But really, what do you say to a teacher who tells you that they prepared for your visit by watching Disney’s Alladin??? Alladin!!! Whose opening song, Arabian Nights, originally contained the verse: Oh I come from a […]
30 Apr
Posted by: Rukhsana Khan in: cultures, presentations
Got an email a few days ago from MASC, the administrative body that arranged my mini tour of Ottawa schools. Apparently the kids at one of the schools had been so intrigued by my Roses in My Carpets presentation that they’d entirely skipped recess to gather around me! They SKIPPED their RECESS!!!! The fifteen minutes […]