
Rukhsana’s thoughts on her journey of life, writing and sometimes—when she dares—a bit of politics.

That look in a young boy’s face…

Today I did one of my favourite sets of kids. Not sure why I’m so drawn to inner city kids, but I am. Did my primary presentation for the primary kids and that often tuckers me out! Oh, they can be so squirmy! Of course Big Red Lollipop settled them down. It was so cute […]

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Oops…the Bigger they are…

…the harder they fall! I guess. Anyway, in light of this new video that’s surfaced of Rob Ford threatening someone while he’s stinking drunk…um… forget what I said about voting for him again. The guy’s a loose cannon, and taking the metaphor to it’s limit–he’s rolling all over the poop deck with a lit fuse […]

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Of Rob Ford and first world problems…

Okay, I’m going out on a limb here and saying, “Yes, I did vote for Rob Ford, and No, I’m not surprised his popularity went up, and …wait for it…I’ll probably vote for him again if there’s no better alternative.” Maybe it’s a sign of how cynical we’ve gotten about our politicians that his popularity […]

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It’s the little things that distinguish…

…or as they say, “The devil’s in the details.” I keep thinking of a moment I had with an artist while having tea in Piccadilly circus! Thing is, I get approached by a LOT of Muslims who want to break into the business. Most of them are people who want to be writers, only some […]

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So now that I have so much time…

why aren’t I writing like mad? Daughter and Son in law came back safe and sound on Saturday, grandkiddies are gone, I have my life back. No need to get up so darn early in the mornings to make breakfast for kiddies, no need to worry if they’re surpassing their Thomas the Tank engine quota […]

Interesting evening…

Tonight I went to the Stubbs Memorial Lecture at the Lillian H. Smith Library and it was very interesting to say the least! Lois Lowry was fascinating! But it was too bad the organizers decided to set up the room lengthwise! It was a long tunnel of a room and she was at the very […]

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but who’s counting? I’m starting to think menopause is a blessing! Women my age weren’t meant to be mothering. My daughter’s on Hajj and we’ve been taking care of the oldest two grandkids for about two weeks now, with one more to go. Grandkids are fantastic! But taking care of them while trying to adhere […]

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Freebies and Marketing…

I was corresponding with an old friend of mine and she sent me a link to a blogpost about an author visiting a school and not even being recompensed for her time and effort and my friend expressed alarm because I’d put up those youtube videos as free resources for educators on my youtube channel […]

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Keeping it real…

Caught my mind wandering during prayer. I think it’s very important to send out press releases, as an author, even if you think not much will come of it. At least local media might run the story. It’s always good to have an ‘angle’. And it seems I’ve got two. For the Canadian media, I […]

I’ve been wondering how it would change the way I saw the books I looked up to, many of which are on that same list. Like I wondered how I’d feel about The Snowy Day or The True Story of the Three Little Pigs or Curious George or Where the Wild Things Are. I mention […]

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