The other day a rather desperate wannabe writer emailed me lamenting the fact that she wanted to be a published author, that I’d achieved so much and she was just a mother of two children. Her email was shocking to me. I found it really jolting that she looked upon motherhood in such a contemptible manner. And […]
I’m feeling a little better. Not cocky, by a far way, but…resolved. Yes, that’s the word. Resolved is the first step back to cocky. Started rereading the novel and I think it might be pretty good. I’ve been working on it for almost a year now. I thought the fact that I’d written the first […]
When I first started writing, I wasn’t prepared for the ebs and flows of confidence. One minute I’ll be feeling positively cocky and the next like a fraud. I’ve heard many authors talk about this, even famous ones! So I’ve learned to basically–at the risk of sounding cliche–go with the flow. Just finished a novel […]
I have three bookshelves next to my treadmill, and to alleviate the boredom I’ll often grab an old favourite to read while I’m trudging along. A couple of days ago I started Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier, for the fifth or sixth time. It’s a longish book, a real classic, and it’s funny how I keep […]
02 Feb
Posted by: Rukhsana Khan in: political correctness, self-image, writing
I feel like I’m late to the blog party but better late than never! I’ve been eavesdropping on a lot of conversations lately about the whitewashing of book covers. As a full-fledged member of an ethnic minority I guess I have every reason to complain, but somehow I can’t. I can actually understand the reasons why a […]