Recently when I was invited overseas to do a tour and while in negotiations with the hosts, this phrase occurred to me, “it should hurt a little…”. It was in reference to the whole process of negotiation. Whenever you’re in the process of negotiation, there is ALWAYS give and take. When I was younger, omigosh, I […]
Well just reread my last post and I left off with a very brief description of Stonehenge. It was interesting. Farah and Edward had gone up to Oxford to meet some friends of theirs on Saturday, and when I got back, they asked me, quite tentatively, what did I think of Stonehenge. I told them […]
It’s been a little frustrating that now that I’m coming to the end of the week, and I only have about four more days in the U.K., only one of which is a school day (Monday the 28th), that some schools are suddenly scrambling to have me visit. I have some friends to thank for […]
I’ve been invited to afternoon tea! In Picadilly! Dear me, I must remember to crook my pinkie finger as I sip it! I’m practicing even as I type this! Does make reaching the the ‘p’s and ‘q’s and apostrophes rather difficult! LOL Can you tell I’m getting excited about the England trip??? As if I didn’t […]
11 Nov
Posted by: Rukhsana Khan in: history, Islam, Muhammad (peace be upon him), presentations
until they change what is in themselves. I’ve read this phrase in the Quran a number of times and it’s funny but I always thought it only referred to the oppressed and downtrodden. But I attended a lecture a while back and a scholar made a good point. He said that no, this phrase applies […]
During all the eight years I was working so hard to get published, there was only one major conference I paid to go to and that was being held at Harvard’s Law School. Oh I took lots of courses and workshops, but not that many really expensive conferences. It was called the Children’s Literature New England […]
Just got back from a resort up north where I attended the CODE conference. CODE stands for the Council of Ontario Drama and Dance Educators. I got to go through my booking agency, and this year was different because through the Ontario Arts Council, which helps fund such initiatives, there was an artist subsidy that […]
I’ve been watching Oprah’s Life Class the last week or so, it comes on twice in the day on her new network and a commercial came on for Shania Twain’s show “Why Not?” and she mentions how she lost her voice and her confidence etc. and she can’t figure out why. I wish I could […]
I’ve been thinking of all these talent shows on the air these days. Of course it all started with American Idol. Then there was The Voice. Then America’s Got Talent, and now there’s X Factor. It’s a really good gig, if you think about it. But not for the participants! One of the things I […]
Last night I watched some special hosted by Russell Peters, that Indian comedian with the wasp name. He’s quite funny! And I saw a commercial for his hockey movie called Breakaway that actually makes me want to go see it! The special he was hosting was on comedy channel and for some reason last night […]