When I first started out writing, I really thought that you could write ANY story as long as it was logical and made sense.

I didn’t understand the idea of mainstream talking points.

At any one period of time the zeitgeist has a certain agenda. The vast majority of people–the mainstream believe certain things as gospel and you argue against it at your own risk.

And this zeitgeist is like a pendulum, it swings back and forth, from left to right and back again, very seldom does it settle in the reasonable middle.

It used to surprise me.

You’d talk about blatant racism or sexism with people in the media and there’d come a blank look on their faces, like, “Yeah, what do you want me to do about it?”

They know it’s wrong, but at the moment the public isn’t willing to do anything about it.

It’s how powerful people got away with abuse for so long. The vast majority of those who knew it was going on felt helpless to stop it.

Cosby, Weinstein, Epstein, they were too BIG to tackle.

It’s so interesting that it was one simple remark that actually brought Cosby down, and it was by a relatively obscure comedian named Hannibal Buress. Cosby was talking down to the young Black comedians, complaining about their demeanor and way of dress and apparently Hannibal simply said, “Yeah, but you raped women, Bill Cosby, so that kind of brings you down a couple notches.”

All of a sudden people wanted to know what he was talking about and the rest is history.

The women who had gone to the media to report what Cosby had done to them were all told they couldn’t touch Cosby! Not Bill Cosby!

It has always fascinated me how some people can get away with so much.

Until they can’t.

#Black Lives Matter, #Metoo, all movements started by Black women, because out of all the demographics in society, the one on the bottom may very well be Black Women.

A timely word, a call for justice…and all of a sudden the public is ready to take on those who were previously untouchable.

When will it happen for Palestine?

Everyone knows how they’re being slaughtered and oppressed, when will it be their turn?

Because right now when I read about the atrocities that Israel is committing, the blatant atrocities, and I mention it to people in the media with any type of significant following, I see that look in their eyes…that unspoken warning, “Oh you can’t touch Israel…”

But the truth is the moral arc of the universe bends towards justice.

No oppression lasts forever.

Look at how they thought slavery would never be abolished!

Even while there is much wickedness in the world, there is also a trend away from it, and that is where I tend to place my hope.

May God have mercy on all those who are suffering abuse and oppression!

May He guide us to help establish justice for all.

Because nobody, no matter how big, is too big to come falling down.
