I remember the incident well!

I’d come back from an overseas tour and was attending a family literacy night at a school that had booked me.

I was tired.

When your schedule fills up, and it’s busy season, it comes with a level of exhaustion that doesn’t get satisfied with just a good night’s sleep.

Anyway, it was some school about an hour away. I thought piece of cake. Went there, thought of what I would say, got up and said it, and then called to the principal that I was done. She seemed surprised, and I realized I’d made the mistake of not asking how long they wanted me to speak.

I made the assumption that like in most cases, they’d want a brief fifteen minute presentation.

That look on the principal’s face gave me a jolt and ever since then I’ve always tended towards over preparation rather than under.

There’s no worse feeling than standing in front of a group of people and your mind going blank because you ran out of things to say.

I firmly believe in leaving them wanting more!

And so now, as I prepare for a zoom seminar, I find myself creating a presentation I likely won’t be able to completely finish. Not unless I talk very fast! Which I tend to do anyway.

But I want to give them a bang for every buck, so I over prepare!

It makes me feel a lot better! It’s the consideration I would want if I was booking my services!