
Rukhsana’s thoughts on her journey of life, writing and sometimes—when she dares—a bit of politics.

Archive for the ‘movies’ Category

feels a bit like a waste of time. Sometimes the feeling of impotence in the face of global dilemmas is just excruciating. This is one of those times. It seems to crop up every so often. It’s like tensions build and build in Israel and Palestine, and they start fighting, and people start dying. And […]

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I was going to write a blog post about how as a Muslim, I try my best to counter all the negative images in the media by trying to uphold an example of what Islam really teaches us to be. I was going to talk about how hard it’s been growing up. How at first I […]

Along with two other diplomats in Benghazi. All because of a film that insulted the Prophet (peace be upon him). I can’t believe it! I’m absolutely shocked. It’s crazy. What would the Prophet (peace be upon him) say? To kill innocent people this way just because you’re outraged??? And ESPECIALLY diplomats!!! They didn’t do anything!!! […]

The Raid Redemption…

It’s been a long time since I wanted to watch a movie twice. Now that my daughters are all married and gone, and there’s just me and hubby and son, the estrogen factor is outnumbered by testosterone factors, two to one and that affects the type of movies we choose to watch. I really wanted […]

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Daring to get a bit political…

Like everyone else, I’ve been watching news about the Aurora, Colorado cinema killings. Of course it’s shocking. Of course it’s apalling that a masked gunman could go into a theatre, lob a cannister of tear gas and then start shooting the people who’d arrived for a midnight screening of the Dark Knight Rises, randomly. But is it surprising? […]

When I was growing up I could never understand why it was so darn difficult to remember good jokes. When an occasion came up and someone asked me to tell a joke, my mind would suddenly go blank and I couldn’t remember any. Most entertainment is like that. Yeah, it makes you laugh at the […]

Playing the Waiting Game…

So I mailed off the Hajj novel this afternoon and I did so without rereading it for the umpteenth time. Not sure if that was a mistake or a stroke of genius. Only time will tell. Now comes the hard part…waiting. And the only thing that helps with the waiting is working. It’s really pathetic […]

The advantage of being underestimated…

Been sick, sick, sick, and that makes me think, think, think. Way back when Bush was president, I used to wonder how such a silly person (who calls one of their friends Turd Blossom???) could end up running the most powerful country in the world, and I really think a lot of his success came […]

Too clever for their own good…

I was going to write about my experience at the War Horse play, but somehow this other topic keeps begging to be dealt with first, so I’m going to go with it. I’ve been thinking about it since I saw it on Dr. Phil late last week, can’t remember if it was Thursday or Friday. […]

Watching Marie Antoinette 0nly because you know so little about French history is like watching Heath Ledger’s A Knight’s Tale to learn about medieval history. ***SPOILER ALERT*** The only difference is that A Knight’s Tale has a plot and is SO much better–even if it too is rather silly. So why am I dwelling on a […]
