
Rukhsana’s thoughts on her journey of life, writing and sometimes—when she dares—a bit of politics.

Archive for the ‘Islam’ Category

Into the stretch…

We’re well into the last ten days of Ramadan, more like the last week of it in fact, and yup, I’m wondering where the month went! It flew right by! And now the work in earnest begins. Nobody knows the importance of tradition and celebrating your festivals as much as a kid growing up poor […]

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Half way through already!

Subhan Allah, the time goes so fast! I’m down here typing this blog post while I wait for the time to break my fast. Got about half an hour left and I’m feeling pretty good alhamdu lillah. Went by one of my daughters and my grandkiddies were all there. After giving me a big hug, […]

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One Week Down…

I went to an iftar dinner on Saturday night. Funny how the topic of weight loss so often comes up during Ramadan. You’d think with the long days and the not eating that you’d lose a lot of weight during Ramadan. In fact some people gain. All the fancy dinner parties. At this party on […]

Oh how quickly the year has passed. Mind you it does come ten days earlier than the Gregorian calendar. It’s funny with Ramadan, I always approach it with a mixture of dread and excitement. And yet, when it arrives there’s such a blessing of peace! It’s like no other time! Reminds me of the days […]

Lionel Richie’s advice…

Never try and consciously write a ‘bestseller’, or a ‘hit’. He says don’t do it, you can’t. Just write something good. And it’s so true. Bestsellers and hits come by chance. You just have to hit the right note at a time when people are hungry for it, and there’s no predicting that! I was […]

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Rizq–or the idea of Providence

I’ve been thinking of the concept of rizq or what some people would call providence. It’s the belief that everything we will ever earn has been written for us while we were in the womb and although we can pray for it to get expanded, it’s pretty much set. That’s both a good and a […]

The Taj Mahal…and Sticker Shock!

This is going to be a long post! I have so much to tell to wind up my trip to India–but bear with me I think you might find it pretty funny! So I went to the Taj, straight from Delhi airport on Monday, Dec. 3rd. Our flight from Pune get delayed because the system […]


is as hot and steamy as Delhi was cool and dry! It’s been a whirlwind to say the least! Got in yesterday morning, met with the people picking me up without incident, yay!!! And took a bumpy ride into the city. People had told me that Bangalore airport is about 2 hours outside the city, […]

What an experience!

It’s never a good idea to criticize yourself. Especially if people are raving about your presentation. Don’t criticize yourself publicly, don’t diminish their exuberance or their compliments by putting yourself down, but in the privacy of your own room…yes, think of what you did wrong. Analyze, assess, and fix it for next time so it’s […]

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So last night there was a sort of cocktail party/dinner to launch the Bookaroo experience. Members of the press were there, including one of the sponsors of Bookaroo, and it was held on a rooftop veranda/restaurant with the cool night air and occasional fireworks in the area–such a contrast from the night before! All sorts […]
