It’s like there isn’t enough time in a day to do what needs doing.

I finished up that presentation yesterday, and now I have two more days till I go to Singapore and a host of things that need doing.

Sometimes I wish I had a secretary!

Or a maid!

I hate leaving the house in disarray, so on top of all the other things I need to do, I need to clean it up.

And I feel so awful.

That sick feeling I had yesterday turned out to be bronchitis. I’m glad I got some medication today for it.

When the pharmacist handed the antibiotics across the counter to me, she glanced at the printout that showed all the medications I’d bought within the last two years. Just in the last month or so I’ve been on a total of three different antibiotics!

That’s not good.

She said, “Your body’s telling you to slow down. You’re over doing it.”

Yeah, I know.

I need some rest. And I plan to get some on the plane to Singapore. I’m one of those who sleeps on any form of transportation.

I’m still dreading the flight, it’s fifteen hours to Hong Kong and then another three to Singapore.

But I’m taking a new book with me on the flight. It’s by John Danalis, an Australian author. It’s called Riding the Black Cockatoo and was recommended by my Australian editor.

But mostly, I’ll just sleep. Like I’m going to do right now.
